Tuesday, March 22, 2011

{God is the only one who forgets}

   this past weekend, Tara talked about forgiveness and how we need to learn to forgive and empy all of our bitterness. i came to realize that i just push people out of my life, instead of forgiving. to me, "forgive and forget" is pretty much ending my connection with them and moving on, yet the bitterness is still there. its frustrating to realize.
   honestly, i dont mind that many of these people are out of my life, but when i reflect, i feel major bitterness. i was reminded that God is the ONLY one who can forgive and forget, so dealing with bitterness needs to be a priority in my life! and all of us!
   the past few weeks have been a constant reminder of many situations that i need to face head on and move on from. in the midst of it all, i'm glad that i have a husband that is on my side 100% and is there to protect me emotionally.
   the longer we are married, the more my trust is building in him, and i am seeing him as my safety net, and my home as my haven. God is good and he designed marriage just for this...support, safety and love!

"search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. see if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting"
psalm 139:23-24

Saturday, March 12, 2011

{good intentions}

   looking back at the past month, its been a blur! i think its so easy to forget priorities in life, and let life just fly by. being sick for 2 weeks didnt help, but still...
   the last few years, its been my goal to be intentional.
  • intentional in taking note on lifes lessons
  • intentional on knowing good deals at certain stores/restaurants (growing up!)
  • intentional of conversations and how i converse with people
  • intentional with my relationship with God and how it needs to constantly be improving
  • intentional with my relationships with family/friends
  • intentional on being uplifting and encouraging
  • intentional with prayer and intercession 
   last night, we had an even called FORWARD at The Vineyard Church. it was so powerful and so amazing. we did a lot of "crazy prayer" (thats what i call it anyways). full on, heart/mind/soul indulging prayer for our area. we went all out and it felt great. it just reminded me of how much more intentional i need to be at being a CHRISTIAN. i am in a divine romance, and i need to be intentional in all i say and do for my Jesus. hopefully, this month, i look back and think to myself, "wow...Jesus did a lot through me!"
   on another note, please join with me in prayer for Narumi, my brothers girlfriend. she lives just outside of Tokyo and hasnt been able to sleep the past 2 days due to the many aftershocks. she is terrified, and it breaks my heart! its our jobs as Christians to intercede for the world, so lets do it!
Psalm 4:1-
Answer me when I call to you,
   my righteous God.
Give me relief from my distress;
   have mercy on me and hear my prayer.

"Answer, Narumi, when she calls to you, my righteous God.
Give, Narumi, relief from distress; have mercy on, Narumi, and hear her prayer!"
"Answer, Japan, when it calls to you, my righteous God.
Give, Japan, relief from distress; have mercy on, Japan, and hear their prayers!"