Tuesday, November 13, 2012


as women, boy do we struggle with respect…mostly towards ourselves. it can be SO hard at times to not respect ourselves. such as putting ourselves down, convincing ourselves that we can’t achieve the best, telling ourselves that we have no self-worth, and most of all, we can disrespect ourselves by letting others hurt us. how does this work?

we are in charge of ourselves. does stuff happen that are out of our control? YES. but then what? we decided how to react, what course of action to take, and whether or not to move on or not. 90% of the time we choose who is close to us. we choose who we are intimate with…emotionally, relationally, physically…and we let those people speak into our lives. many times, this is a healthy thing and sometimes not always.

if we, as humans, are being abused in any form by others who are close to us, we need to make sure that we do not let it determine who we are and what we think of ourselves. therefore letting others treat us terribly is us treating ourselves terribly. if we want to start respecting ourselves, then we need to be around others who respect us.

we are all loved and important. no person has higher worth than the other. we are all worthy of respect just like anyone else in this world.

{So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you…} Matthew 7:12


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