Friday, February 18, 2011

{my husband, my warrior}

   since i've been married to Joel, my spiritual warfare that i have occasionally has been exposed...and now that i'm writing this, its even more exposed :) satan does not like me. he does not like what i do. and i LOVE that! i think that means i'm doing something right...right?
   right before we got married, i got hired on as staff at our church. i was warned, that now that i'm in the ministry, to be strong and more prepared due to satan being upset. that very night, i was attacked at my weakest. on our honeymoon, we were sick the whole time, and we were sick pretty much until 2 months after our wedding. satan knew i was tired, and that only made me more ANGRY and STRONG in the coming months.
   that night, all i had to do was roll over, tell Joel what happened, and he prayed over me. its SO nice to know that i have a husband who fights for me in my moments of weakness. he has done this several times now, and the peace that comes over me is tremendous. his verse comes to mind:
   "there is no fear in love. but perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. the one who fears is not made perfect in love" 1 John 4:18
   Joel and i's love may not be perfect, but we sure try. and when we invite Jesus into our room (home), HIS perfect love drives out all of our fear and attacks. every environment that God creates, there is no fear. i pray a 'hedge of protection' over our marriage, home, jobs and families. in Job when satan is asking God what all he can do with Job, in Job 1:10 satan says to God, "have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has?"
   Job 1 gives me so much comfort. this chapter shows me 2 things:
1. satan does not have control. God ALWAYS has the control. and its not like there is a constant spiritual dog fight around us constantly, satan is on a leash that God holds. it is ALL in Gods hands consitantly. satan can do nothing that God does not notice.
2. Job did not curse why should i? when troubles come, or when i am being attacked, i try so hard not to ask, "why God? why?", instead, i declare that i am a child of God in the name of Jesus, and the fear is driven out and peace sets in. and when peace sets in, things dont look so bad.

I pray that people know within their hearts and minds, that no circumstances change who God is nor His character. satan is a growling, roaring lion who prowls around us, who knows us and studies us. we need to be just as alert as he is, so that we, as Christians, are on top of using the power that we already carry with us, which is in Christ Jesus.

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