things have just been rough lately. and yesterday, God said to me, "then get on your knees and ASK me"
really? is it that simple? YES.
why do people make God so much more complicated? why do we get so caught up in "questioning" everything? questioning our existance...others
if you claim you are a Christian and that you know God, then why are we not asking God? there is no need to question your whole life every single day. especially when you can get your answers straight from the source. (God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Bible)
i feel bad for those who stress every day about knowing what they know (or don't yet know..hmm).
or who to believe. or what to defend.
if you are always questioning...are you living? truly living? are you enjoying life? are you helping others enjoy life? or are you always adding to complication & messes.
you cannot say that you "know" God. especially if you don't talk to HIM.
we talk to those we know, don't we?