so of course, i was suspicious and carefully picked my person. as i stood behind her, i touched her shoulder to let her know someone was behind her, and i felt this burst of energy flow between us- i then started shaking. when the woman turned around, she had to keep her eyes closed until she was done telling me...
i was told this:
"God wants me to tell you today that you are a beautiful butterfly waiting to come out of a cocoon. Its like, you are at a place in life where you are about to realize your calling, and God wants you to know that He loves you and has big plans for you. Whats going on now, is preparing you for what is to come when you burst out of your cocoon. He's got you. He has big plans for you. And He wants you to know that He sees you, recognizes you, and cannot wait to use you. He loves you!...did i get it right??" lol
of course she did!!
all day i couldn't get it out of my head...God wanted me to know that He {noticed} me. and that He was about to reveal His {plan for my life} to me. i was blown away. and felt so privileged! but more so blown away-
later that week, at a session, we were doing an alter call. a lot of us leaders had gone up front or to the sides of the auditorium to pray for students. later in the session, one of the pastors went up and said "any leaders out there that need prayer? anyone feeling called to ministry or know you need to make a life decision tonight? come up front to this corner, and we will do a "calling" prayer time for you"
i had just finished praying for a youth, and bolted up front. before i knew it, i was being prayed for. i was being prayed over and they were praying that my {ministry as a woman would be respected, fruitful and blessed}. that financially i would be taken care of and that my life would begin to take its rightful direction.
after that trip, my husband and i started dating and things were coming together. the next SOS the following year i was engaged and had just quit my previous job (which i didnt get to even do my "2 weeks notice")
again, i went up for prayer and the woman asked me some very specific questions about how much i loved children. "do you work with children?" she asked. as she was praying for me, she said she saw me teaching in a classroom with all these kids watching me while i {taught them about Jesus}. she said kids would notice me. she even pointed out a little child that would catch my heart, and she gave me specific features of a child to look for in the future, and that when I see that child, i'll be reassured that this is what i'm supposed to be doing....
...a month later i started working in children's ministry :)
what have you been called to do (loving people & sharing Jesus can come with ANY job)? actually, the real question is...are you doing it??